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The Visible Edge 04

January 5, 2001

This newsletter / info-pack is generated by Visible Systems, and is provided to our users and specific members of the net community. TheEdge is generated and distributed every few weeks as necessary. Please send comments to


Winter Training Class

Visible Systems will be offering our Razor End User/Administrative Training Class on Jan 30th - Feb 2nd and our Implementing A Process course on Feb 5th - Feb 8th at the Turning Stone Casino and Resort located in Vernon NY.

We have already started accepting registrations for the Winter class... don't get shut out...get registered! Visit our Web site for details on the course; including content, cost, and accommodations.

Technical Tip

Clients can now run Razor on Windows 2000 Professional. Razor 4.2 now supports both server and client platforms for 2000 Professional, Server, and Advanced Server.

Users that wish to run Razor clients on Windows 2000 Professional will need to upgrade their servers to v4.2. Failure to do this will lead to a client/server mismatch when connecting to a Razor database. Please read the upgrade installation notes carefully before performing the server upgrade to ensure compatibility.

User's Forum

On December 7th & 8th Visible Systems held there first Razor User's Forum in Newport, RI at the Naval Undersea Warfare Center. The forum was comprised of the following users throughout the country; Lockheed Martin, Raytheon E-Systems, Integral Systems, Los Alamos National Labs, Boeing, NASA and Naval Undersea Warfare Center. Focus sessions included Razor future enhancements, tips & techniques, and product direction. The forum brought out ideas on how to customize Razor, integrating Razor with Windows IDE, and CMM and ISO 9000 processes. We will soon be announcing our next forum scheduled for the summer timeframe.

Company Updates

Visible Systems acquired 3tSoftware Inc. on November 30, 2000. 3tSoftware developed and marketed VBMentor, a 3 tier application builder or code generator for Visual Basic. VBMentor can generate 3 tier applications for client/server or web based applications. It uses the database design as input information to define business objects. The actual code is built from code patterns shipped with the product. VBMentor has an interface with Visible Analyst, a data and application modeling tool. It can also read the database structure directly from SQL Server, Access and Oracle. VBMentor v2.5 achieves higher code completion than other Visual Basic code generators. C++ and Java versions are scheduled for summer and fall 2001. VB Mentor is licensed for $745 including maintenance when purchased before February 1st, 2001. After that date the license will be $995 including maintenance. For more information check out our web site .


This month's puzzler...

A man is in a room with no doors and no windows. All he has is a stick. How does he get out?

Answer to the above puzzle can be found here.

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