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The Visible Edge 14

The Edge - January 2003
Razor Release Schedule

Due to the complexity of Razor 4.3b, we decided to go out with a two phased approach to our next release; an interim release now and the formal release in the next month. Please note that in an effort to ensure the best Razor user experience possible, we are still debugging certain features within this interim release. Henceforth, additional debug output to aid us with technical problems will cause extraneous debug output to be generated in the interim release. A number of our users may find this output distracting and are encouraged, if it is at all possible, to wait for the formal release next month.

The major features in this interim release include the following:

  • Razor SCC now integrates with Visual Studio .Net.
  • Razor/MetricCenter API now gathers metrics for Issues in addition to Versions.
  • Razor servers now honor more than one IP address.
  • Razor is now supported on Windows XP.

Additional enhancements include:

  • New environment variables allow the Razor Admin to dictate the order of IP addresses the Razor client will use.
  • The addition of an AUDIT entry will be added to the Razor History file.
  • Created an Access_list file at the License Manager level.
  • When branching a file, expand keywords now works via the command line.

The bug fixes include:

  • Created an Access_list file at the License Manager level.
  • Corrected a problem in which Razor was not handling WSAWouldBlock.
  • Enlarged the backlog parameter to prevent sporadic failures.
  • Fixed incorrect titles on DBs upon database/group changes.
  • Updating of report filters when renaming or removing attributes.
  • The rz_add_issues_group script now works on Linux 7.0.
  • Fixed the reporting tool's “related issues” filter option.
  • Updated the method in which tmp files are deleted.
  • Corrected the UNIX install script so current symbolic link will not be deleted.
  • Prompt the user for a new password for the Windows License Manager service.
  • Corrected the extra “^I” strings in email notifications.
  • Fixed validation errors on the time stamp field.
  • Prevent server process from exiting when unable to open/append the error log.
  • Corrected bogus history file entries caused by IssueWeaver.
  • Upated the rz_vcs.rcs script to include the -zLT option.
  • Fixed various problems between Razor SCC and Rational Rose.
  • Repaired opening of Visual Studio project through Razor SCC.
  • Fixed a problem with case-sensitive file comparison between Razor and Razor SCC.

The formal release will include the necessary fixes to resolve the extraneous output. You will also be provided with the ability to promote more than one file at a time, have the option to display only the software associated with a thread, and implement tighter security measures through a stronger encryption algorithm, a new method of password aging, and the ability to lock a user's account. Additionally, all of the major features, additional enhancements and bug fixes previously mentioned in the interim release shall be included in next month's formal release.

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Razor Sales Promo

Any new or current customer who purchases any number of Razor licenses by January 31, 2003 will receive a copy of IssueWeaver for FREE.
IssueWeaver is valued at $4,995. IssueWeaver allows remote access to your issues database from any platform that can support a web browser.

**This offer may NOT be used with any other discounts and is not valid on previous purchases.

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CM Crossroads

CM Crossroads, an online CM users forum, affords many unique features. Aside from educating users and providing a variety of discussion topics, one of the most interesting tools on CM Crossroads is the ability to rate and review CM tools. If you would like to provide your own review of the Razor tool suite, please register at and then click here .

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Razor Training

Visible Systems will be offering our Razor End User/Administrative Training Class on April 29th - May 2nd and our Implementing a Process Course on on May 5th - May 8th at the Vernon Country Suites located in Vernon, NY.

We have already started accepting registrations for the Spring class... don't get shut out...get registered! Visit our Web site for details on the course; including content, cost, and ccommodations.

E-mail for your registration form today!

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Tech Tips

What does the debug output in 4.3b look like?

Below are some examples of common output seen when using Razor 4.3b. Additional output may appear that has not been documented here. Keep in mind that the path statements, in addition to other variables, shown here will differ from environment to environment.

# razor down &
YOU_NEVER_SET_THE_GROUP_NAME!/Roles: No such file or directory
YOU_NEVER_SET_THE_GROUP_NAME!/Access_list: No such file or directory
Starting Issues
/home/deb/basil/DB/db1/RAZOR_UNIVERSE/Issues: No such file or directory /home/deb/basil/DB/db1/RAZOR_UNIVERSE/DOMAIN_01/++ISSUES++/Tables/Roles:
No such file or directory
No such file or directory
No such file or directory

If you have any questions, please contact Razor support.

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The time piece with the fewest moving parts is the sun dial. What is the time piece with the most moving parts?

Answer to the above puzzle can be found here.

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