Module 1: Enterprise Architecture for Managers and IT
Segment Outline:
- Strategic Modeling for Enterprise Architecture
- The Need for Business Transformation
- Systems Support Needed for Rapid Business Change
- Balanced Scorecard and Strategic Maps
- An Introduction to Enterprise Architecture
- Zachman Framework V2.0 and Enterprise Architecture Maturity
- Governance Analysis Using Enterprise Architecture
- Using Strategy Analysis for Input to Strategic Modeling
- Analyzing the Mission Statement
- Defining Planning Statements: Policies, Goals, Objectives and KPI's; Strategies and Tactics
- Implementing the Business Plan through Personal Scorecards
- Business Planning Questionnaire
- Using Strategy Analysis for IT Project Requirement Specifications
- Developing a Strategic Model: A Facilitated Example
- The Strategic Modeling Questionnaire
- Basic Concepts of Developing the Strategic Model
- ID Business Activities and Procedures
- Business Planning Questionnaire
- Deriving Project Plans from the Strategic Model
- Real World Examples of Enterprise Architecture for Rapid Delivery
- A Large Government Department
- A Medium Regional Bank
- A Medium Government Department
- A Very Large Government Department
Video Duration Time: 1 Hour 35 Minutes and 57 Seconds
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