Computer-Aided Software Engineering & Hands-on Tutorials
Entity Life HistorySegment Outline:
This segment explains the purpose and use of Entity Life History (ELH) Diagrams.
- Give a basic introduction and overview of ELH's Diagramming and Model Notation
- Show how to develop ELH Models Show how ELH represents the processing performed on the data depicted by a single entity
- Perform Model Analysis
- Review the ELH Repository Entries
- Demonstrate ELH Integration with the Strategic Planning Statements
- Describe how ELH is a part of SSADM and Metrica Methodologies
- Review additional Diagramming Tips and Techniques
Video Duration Time: 1 Hour 35 Minutes and 48 Seconds
Click on the link below to view a short demonstration of the introductory section of the "Entity Life History Diagram" tutorial video.
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