Applied Structured Systems Analysis
Segment Outline:
- Understand and appreciate principles and practices of structured systems analysis
- Demonstrate how a structured approach to systems development enhances the ability to satisfy information processing needs
- Gain experience in using structured methods for systems analysis aided by Visible® Analyst
- Put systems analysis in larger systems development life cycle framework
- Review strategic planning and analysis to precede analysis at the system or project level
- Review rough draft system model components
- Statement of Purpose
- External Event List
- Context Diagram
- Preliminary Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
- Preliminary State Transition Diagrams (STD)
- Review complete system model components
- Statement of Purpose
- External Event List
- Logical Data Model
- Logical Process Model
- Data Dictionary
- Practice creating rough draft and complete model components
This video is sold as 4 segments and is comprised of the following sessions:
Introduction to Software Engineering: 1 Hour 26 Minutes and 50 Seconds
Introduction to Data Modeling: 44 Minutes and 32 Seconds
Introduction to Entity State Modeling: 23 Minutes and 23 Seconds
Introduction to Process Modeling: 14 Minutes and 14 Seconds
Process Model - Heuristics: 3 Hours 43 Minutes and 47 Seconds
Systems Implementation Model: 20 Minutes and 25 Seconds
Tech Design Overview: 13 Minutes and 57 Seconds
Practical Guidelines: 22 Minutes and 02 Seconds