1-Day Public or In-house Course for Management, to achieve Rapid
Delivery of Enterprise Architecture Presented by
Clive Finkelstein
With the rapid pace of change today, the need for transformation from today's inflexible business environment to an agile enterprise that can change direction rapidly has never been greater. Yet the structures, processes and systems that we have today are inflexible: they are incapable of rapid change. Business methods for
Balanced Scorecard, Governance Analysis and Business Transformation Enablement
are needed that support rapid business change – with systems that are directly aligned so they also change in lock-step. This is both a business problem and a computer problem. It needs strategic direction from senior management and strategic planners, with these directions then translated into rapid action by your business experts working with your IT experts.
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“Clive has developed a way to integrate the semantic models with the primitive process models. Strategically, this is important because if you align these with the goals of the business, you can determine what slivers need to be built first to implement Enterprise Architecture consistently in the enterprise.”
Stan Locke,
Zachman Framework Associates
Achieve Balanced Scorecard and Governance Analysis alignment, with rapid delivery of support systems using Enterprise Architecture
Rapid-Delivery Enterprise Architecture Methods and Technologies used successfully by Government and Corporate organizations -
Interactive team sessions to prepare your organization for legislative and business imperatives on Governance and Enterprise Architecture
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CEO, COO, CFO, CIO, CTO, Senior Business Managers, Corporate Planners, Balanced Scorecard, Governance and Audit, Business Experts, IT Managers, Project Managers, Enterprise Architects.
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Course Outline
Essential for Executives, Business Managers, Program Office Managers and IT involved in Planning and Implementing Enterprise Architecture
Why are Balanced Scorecard, Governance Analysis and Business Transformation Enablement so important today? Imperatives for alignment and integration of the business, its systems and technology Learn how the concepts and rules of the Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture provide a new paradigm for planning, scoping and fast-tracking Balanced Scorecards and Governance projects Transforming business perspectives directly to rapid design and delivery efforts
2. BUSINESS PLANS, GOALS AND BALANCED SCORECARD MEASURES Planning methods used to analyze business goals and Balanced Scorecard measures How to gather and interpret existing plans and directives How to analyze the Perspectives of Planners and Owners to provide the basis for business transformation and rapid delivery of Enterprise Architecture
3. BUSINESS PLAN ANALYSIS - CASE STUDY 4. IDENTIFYING STRATEGIC OPPORTUNITIES FOR BUSINESS TRANSFORMATION Translating business plans into opportunities for reusability and cost savings How the design and delivery of critical assets optimizes implementation Addressing current issues – e.g. Security legislation and initiatives, e-Government and e-Business Web Strategies, Business Intelligence and Supplier/Customer Integration
5. FOCUSING ON PRIORITY IMPLEMENTATIONS In this Interactive Workshop team members will learn how Strategic Plans and Business Goals are catalysts that identify common information assets and activities for Balanced Scorecard How to integrate organizational mandates and business priorities for governance
Clive Finkelstein Clive Finkelstein is acknowledged worldwide as the "Father" of Information Engineering, and is Managing Director of Information Engineering Services Pty Ltd in Australia. He has over 43 years' experience in the Computer Industry. He has published many books and papers, and contributed Chapters and Forewords to books published by McGraw-Hill and Springer-Verlag. Clive has authored the following books: -
“Information Engineering”, James Martin and Clive Finkelstein, Savant Institute, Carnforth: Lancs UK (1981). This was the book that started the Information Engineering Revolution in the 1980’s. -
"An Introduction to Information Engineering", Clive Finkelstein, Addison-Wesley, Sydney: Australia (1989). This book covers the history and evolution of Information Engineering. -
"Information Engineering: Strategic Systems Development", Clive Finkelstein, Addison-Wesley, Sydney: Australia (1992). This is the “how-to” book on using Information Engineering. -
"Building Corporate Portals with XML", Clive Finkelstein and Peter Aiken, McGraw-Hill New York: NY (2000). This book covers methodologies and technologies for Enterprise Portals. -
“Enterprise Architecture for Integration: Methods and Technologies”, Clive Finkelstein, to be published in 2005. This brings together the methods and technologies for rapid delivery of Enterprise Architecture in 3-month increments. This
activity is based on material from that book.
Clive Finkelstein is an internationally renowned consultant and instructor, and has completed projects for Defense, Government and Commercial organizations throughout the world and in most industries. Many projects have involved the Zachman Framework for Enterprise Architecture, using the latest methods and technologies for rapid delivery of priority areas into implementation. These methods use Enterprise Engineering for rapid definition of Enterprise Architecture. His technology focus addresses Enterprise Integration technologies using XML, Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), Enterprise Portals, Web Services and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) for Business Process Management (BPM) using XML-based BPM languages.
He provides training and consulting in all aspects of the Zachman Framework
for Enterprise Architecture, with rapid delivery of priority areas using
Enterprise Engineering. His application of these methods in large and medium Government, Defense and Commercial enterprises results in Business Transformation Enablement, so that business and IT managers and their staffs can plan for and achieve rapid business change. Enterprise Architecture provides a Governance Analysis Framework that supports Sarbanes-Oxley and other Governance Audit requirements. It provides direct support and linkage to Balanced Scorecard for Strategy-Focused Organizations, to ensure that IT systems and databases support defined
Scorecard Measures, Strategy Maps and Governance requirements. Clive writes a monthly column, “The Enterprise”
for DM Review magazine. Past issues are at http://www.dmreview.com/. He publishes a free, quarterly technology newsletter via email: “The Enterprise Newsletter (TEN)”. Past issues of TEN are
http://www.ies.aust.com/. His books
and papers are at
http://www.ies.aust.com/cbfindex.htm. He can be contacted at
cfink@ies.aust.com. Many in-house skills-transfer courses and seminars presented by Clive Finkelstein are at
Contact Details
Visible Systems Corporation
E-mail: sales@visiblesystemscorp.com
Phone: (800) 6-VISIBLE, ext 322 Information Engineering Services Pty Ltd
PO Box 246, Hillarys WA 6923 Australia
Clive Finkelstein, Managing Director
Information Engineering Services Pty Ltd
PO Box 246, Hillarys WA 6923 Australia
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