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The following project references include many projects that have used the Enterprise Engineering rapid-delivery methods. Some have been Strategic Modeling projects for Enterprise Architecture. Others have used similar methods for rapid delivery of project results, with development of a Strategic Information Systems Plan (SISP) rather than an Enterprise Architecture Portfolio Plan (EAPP) Report.

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This Regional Bank was one of the first banks to cut-over wholly to client/server banking in 1994. In 1997-1998 they redeveloped these systems to expand into electronic banking – using the internet to penetrate the global banking market. A Strategic Information Systems Plan (SISP) was developed for the bank in 4 weeks. Quality Assurance data modeling consulting support was provided over 4 months, with Quality Assurance process modeling consulting support over 6 months. Application development was in Java, which enabled the Bank to deliver priority customer management systems for global electronic banking. The SISP Report can be read online or downloaded from


Skills-transfer training for senior business managers and IT staff over a 6-week period was provided to help this insurance company develop a Strategic Model that would enable it to achieve its Marketing and Competitiveness Goals. A Strategic Modeling workshop and project was undertaken in this period, with multiple skills-transfer Business Planning Workshops for senior managers, planning staff and IT staff. An Enterprise Architecture Portfolio Plan (EAPP) was developed and documented from results of the strategic modeling and strategic planning, together with a Technology and Enterprise Architecture assessment of existing and future Information Technology directions for the company.


This two-year project helped this company to plan for deregulation of the Telecommunications Industry. This included Enterprise Engineering education and consulting support for the definition and development in several Divisions of refined Business Plans for deregulation. It included the development of a Strategic Model and progressive development of a number of Tactical and Operational Models, with associated systems to support the strategic directions set for deregulation. A Strategic Model, the Enterprise Architecture Portfolio Plan (EAPP) Report analyzed from this, and the Strategic Technology Plan to develop common corporate data bases across all Divisions were defined. This resulted in early delivery in 3 – 6 month increments of priority Oracle data bases and systems to many functions - including Network Operations, Network Performance, Fault Management, Operator Assisted Services and Intelligent Networks.

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Department of Defense (DoD)

Education and consulting support in Information Engineering and Enterprise Engineering was provided over many projects for the US Navy and US Marines, in a 5-year umbrella contract. This provided extensive Information Engineering consulting, education and associated software support for these two DoD Services.

Australian Defence Organisation

Education and consulting support was provided to develop integrated data models for the Supply Systems Redevelopment Project (SSRP) of the Australian Defence Organization. This project was for the development of integrated Supply Systems across the Australian Army, Navy and Air Force. It involved 100 Supply Systems business experts from each of the three services over a six month period.

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This Enterprise Architecture project involved the development of a Strategic Model and documentation of the Enterprise Architecture Portfolio Plan Report over 20 days. This was developed for initial research into the feasibility of integrated HealthConnect Systems throughout all States of Australia for Hospitals, GP Practices, Pathology Labs and Pharmacies.

Social Security - Project 1

This project led the initial definition of Enterprise Architecture to guide the integration and redevelopment of many legacy stovepipe systems of a large Federal Government Social Services Department. This Department delivers services to the population for many Life Events: Birth; Education; Work; Disability; Sickness; Employment Insurance; Retirement; and Death. This project was based on the Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF). Phase 1 of this project was completed in 55 days using Enterprise Engineering for rapid definition of Enterprise Architecture. 20 days of this period was used to develop the Strategic Model and Enterprise Architecture Portfolio Plan (EAPP) Report. This is the base foundation for redevelopment of all operational systems for the Department's Business Transformation Enablement Program.

Social Security- Project 2

This project built a Strategic Information Systems Plan (SISP) in 3 weeks for this country's Federal Government Social Security Department. This SISP used Enterprise Engineering rapid-delivery methods for the analysis, design and development of an Information Warehouse, for access to the Social Security services provided by this Department – the largest in its country.

Industry Development - Project 1

This Federal Government Authority is responsible for development of manufacturing industries within its country. This project involved the definition of Enterprise Architecture and an Enterprise Information Architecture (EA/EIA). It defined a Strategic Model and Enterprise Architecture Portfolio Plan (EAPP) Report over a 3 week period. It addressed the development of a Data Warehouse, followed by an Enterprise Portal. This involved business managers and IT staff working together. They defined the Strategic Model for building Enterprise Architecture from the Articles of Law that legislated the establishment of the Authority.

Industry Development - Project 2

This State Government project involved education and consulting over a 6 month period in strategic planning, strategic modeling and data modeling to develop a Portfolio Knowledge Base across six government agencies, to promote industrial development and export market growth in the State. A Decision Early Warning (DEW) system capability was also defined for flexible performance monitoring over a range of indicators, including demographic, economic, industry and company performance indicators.

Law Enforcement

Using Enterprise Engineering methods as used in Enterprise Architecture, this State Government project involved education and consulting support over a 6-month period for the development of an integrated Justice Administration System across the Departments of Police, Courts, Attorney General, Correctional Services, Community Welfare, Industrial Court and the Office of Crime Statistics. A Strategic Technology Plan and Strategic Model were defined for selection of hardware and software to implement the Justice Information System. This was one of the first integrated Law Enforcement projects for cross-agency integration world-wide. Many Enterprise Architecture rapid-delivery projects today are based on methods refined in this project.

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