As innovation accelerates, many are looking for ways to turn this acceleration into a competitive advantage. But it is not easy to understand the impact of the rapid pace of change on strategy - be it for a business or an organization. What is needed is a fresh approach towards understanding the scope of change beyond what we can easily see and its implications on strategy.
Visible enables new business designs by bringing a new perspective that looks beyond/outside the enterprise thereby facilitating a strategy that reflects this new reality. Inherently in strategy is data. Through the discovery of purposeful data, Visible helps organizations to set the correct strategy and follow it through its execution.
Founded by George Cagliuso, Visible Systems Corporation began as a boutique IT company, specializing in mainstreaming framework-based information engineering developed by Clive Finkelstein, the Father of Information Engineering. The company's origin was the inspiration of two MIT graduates, one of whom had experience with start-up companies. An early client of the company, State Street Bank, thought these young graduates were "marketing visionaries" for seeing the advantages of documenting information systems in this new way.
Mr. Cagliuso, started what has become a two-decade crusade that has evolved and changed many times since the beginning. Mr. Cagliuso recognized early on that, much like electronic engineering, software engineering was an area that needed improvement. He thought that in the same way reusable hardware components (called integrated circuits) brought productivity and reliability to processes in the semiconductor industry, software engineering could benefit by re-using objects. This is where the journey began, putting the pieces together to improve the overall software engineering process.
Visible Systems was the first in the modern information engineering world to recognize the need in the marketplace for a documentation system that would allow its clients to document their information systems electronically, which was based on the old adage that "a picture is worth a thousand words."
Early Product Advancements
- Seamlessly Integrated Analysis Module added to Visible Analyst supporting popular Yourdon and Gane and Sarson rules checking methods
- Added SQL Generation, Open Repository strategy, operating under Oracle 7 Server RDBMS, IDEF1X, and support for UML, XML, Round-Trip Engineering in One Integrated Toolset.>
- Added Polaris Windows-based Issue Tracking & Workflow Management software tool.
- Launched The Universal Model Framework, a connected planning strategy for using reusable and reconfigurable components of a strategy.
Mergers and Acquisitions
- Acquired Tower Conepts, Inc. (Software Configuration Management technology)
- Acquired 3-t Software (low-code generation technology)
- Acquired LCSIS, a product data management (PDM) software system developed by McLaughlin Research.
- Merged with Information Engineering Systems Corporation, an Alexandria, VA, rooted from a 6.4 million dollar contract from the NAVY for information engineering
- Winner/Finalist for the Annual Jolt Award for Software Configuration Management.
- Scholar of Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Program.
- Winner Indian CIITE Award: The Consortium for Indian Information Technology Education Declared Visible Analyst, "Best Structured Systems Analysis & Design Modeling Tool"